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Every winter eligible patients will be invited to have a flu vaccination.  This is being done in stages with those most at risk being prioritised. The over 70 year group as well as those at significant risk from Flu are usually invited first. If you are on one of our "at risk registers" you should receive a phone call or a text message inviting you in an appointment. Those less at risk will be in the catch up phase. The health Board are doing the vaccinations at vaccination centres for the younger age groups. Children will be offered the vaccine in nasal form.

Please bear with as when phoning for an appointment as the phonelines are very busy.
Please also take note of the following instructions 


If you have any symptoms of COVID please do not attend

For Safety Reasons:
• Please arrive at the correct time (Not early and not late or you may not be seen)
• You will be asked to remove your coat/jacket when entering the building.
• You’ll be in a socially distanced queue  until you’re called
• Bring as few belongings as possible eg bags/handbags.

• Due to number of patients
o Flu jab only you will not be able to discuss other issues
o Patients to be in and out as quickly as possible.


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