Dr Anna Wilson-Storey MBChB (2006) MRCGP (she/her)
Dr Jonathan Black MBChB (2010) MRCGP (he/him)
Other doctors that work in the practice
Dr Irene Mahon MBChB (1988) MRCGP (she/her)
Dr Sarab Hanna MBChB (1999) MRCGP (she/her)
Dr Ching-wa Chung MBChB (1993) FRCGP (he/him)
Castlegait Surgery is a training practice and we regularly have qualified doctors at various stages of training. We occasionally other health care professionals as well as medical and nursing students attached to the practice as part of their training.
Occasionally consultations will be recorded for training, you would be informed in advance if this was the case and if you are not comfortable with this the camera would be switched off. All personal health information is stored securely and is not shared without patient consent.